Hello folks, Friendly Father here.

I'm very happy to have our books back online at our new site InvisibleEmpire.co. Orders are coming in and we're working to get them to you. There's been a few questions and I'll address them here so you good folk can know how we plan on doing things going forward.

The International Jew Volume One is currently the only title available.  We are using the funds we get from this to print White Power, which is confirmed as our next release. Our new methods cost us considerably more to print and so we appreciate your help.

The next volumes of The International Jew Volumes 2, 3 and 4 will come soon after and be bundled with the full collection at a better price but we aren't leaving out those who buy volume 1 now. There will be an option for you to get the other three titles at the best price.

International shipping is in our sights. We are looking for ways to bring you our titles at a reasonable shipping cost. You'll find updates about this here on this channel.

All of our titles will return including the NSCC National Socialist magazines. As mentioned before it costs us a good bit more to print this time around and there needs to be some editing done for each title to fit our new format. What we are doing is releasing titles individually on a schedule.  We've got our process sorted out now and it won't be long until White Power is available and shortly after the next title and so on. A roadmap of our release order will come soon.

Thank you for all your support and please come visit our new site!
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