Forwarded from Soothing White Pills (Melissa_in_Arcadia)
San Fran's vagrant population, which has been actively cultivated since at least the hippies/free love/shenanigans launched there in the 60s, is now suing because free money and drugs ain't enough. 🤡🌎

"The City's decades-long failure to adequately invest in affordable housing and shelter has left many thousands of its residents unhoused, forcing them to use tents and vehicles as shelter," said the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

The advocacy group accused San Francisco's Mayor London Breed, police and other authorities of acting "to criminalize homelessness through an array of brutal policing practices that violate the constitutional rights of unhoused San Franciscans."

The city's homeless sweeps are rooted in its history of racism in housing and policing, the group added.

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