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🇮🇱 🇵🇸 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇵🇱 #Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel's armed forces had "unintentionally" struck a convoy from the humanitarian group World Central Kitchen in #Gaza late Monday, killing seven aid workers.

All three aid cars were seemingly precision struck by IDF munitions, all at separate locations on the route.

"Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip," Netanyahu said Tuesday. "It happens in war. We will investigate it right to the end. ... We are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again."

Earlier, the IDF expressed "sincere sorrow" over the deaths while stopping short of accepting responsibility.

Three of the seven killed have been identified:

-Saif Abu Taha, a Palestinian driver and translator for WCK killed in the strike, was originally from Rafah, reports the BBC.

-The family of Lalzawmi Frankcom, a 43-year-old from Melbourne, Australia, confirmed her death in a statement, according to multiple outlets, describing her as a “kind, selfless and outstanding human being [who] travelled the world helping others in their time of need.”

-Damian Sobol, an aid worker from Przemyśl, Poland was another victim in the strike, as confirmed by Przemyśl’s mayor Wojciech Bakun in a Facebook post that referred to Sobol as a “fantastic boy.”

-Three British nationals, whose names have not been released, were also killed—U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that officials are “urgently working to verify” the information, saying also he spoke with Israeli FM Israel Katz to emphasize the deaths are “completely unacceptable.” (It is unclear if one of these was mistaken for Irish earlier)

-A dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada was also killed, according to WCK, no identity confirmed.
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