Question everything

Remember, accepting the narrative given to you by the media, government and authorities?

Remember being force fed the general consensus of the masses without question?

Remember the feeling of living in a fake reality, where you had no power and were forced into a bubble of what was considered normal?

If you remember that, that means you broke through the code to true reality.

You woke up to the propaganda and misinformation manipulating the way you view the world...and you did this by...
Questioning Everything.

You started Questioning the motives behind the mainstream media, the lawmakers, the politicians and corporations.

You started Questioning the education systems, Economic changes and military actions. Questioning reality and life as a whole.

In other words you started questioning enything.

When living life as an inquiry, challenging the official narrative, you can then act on your findings and spread truth to the word.

We are more powerful then we know. WWG1WGA
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