Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman
Arizona Freedom Caucus Opposes Overriding the Aggregate Expenditure Limit Without Systemic Reforms to Benefit Students & Teachers

Arizona Freedom Caucus Chairman, Senator Jake Hoffman, said the following:

“Arizona children deserve the highest quality education America has to offer. Sadly, they’re receiving far from it at the hands of government-run school districts. At a time when the Republican-controlled legislature is appropriating historically high education funding, test scores continue to plummet. In the latest publicly available data, only 28% of Arizona eighth graders are proficient in reading and only 32% of eleventh graders were able to pass the state math assessment. Adding insult to injury, these catastrophic failures of government school districts are disproportionally hurting low-income, minority, and middle-class Arizonans.

As every parent knows, there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. Until systemic reforms to fix these harmful conditions for Arizona students are enacted, we must say enough. The Arizona Freedom Caucus stands firmly on the side of parents and families to demand change. We will not sit idly by while the system continues to fail students. It is time to enact systemic reforms designed to empower parents, prioritize students, and support teachers.”
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