Monday good news, cloud builders!
Catch your free ticket to the Software Development Build Stuff Conference! There’re only 20 of them.

On November 11-13, join Build Stuff: Rock&Code edition: 3 days of sessions, 800+ participants worldwide, trend discussions, and personal sharing experience by top speakers and skilled developers.

So, here’s the playlist: DevOps practices, Programming Methodologies & Tools, Cloud & Serverless Infrastructure, Machine Learning & Quantum Computing, Monolithic Approach, Microservices & Distributed systems, Agile, Productivity & Soft skills, IoT, Robotics, Languages & Platforms and UX/ UI.

Learn more about:
–– Continuous Security: Integrate security tools into your DevOps Pipeline.
–– Supercomputers Using Kubernetes and OpenHPC.
–– From synchronous to asynchronous distributed microservices.
–– From REST to GraphQL.
–– Choking the Monolith - The Strangler (Fig) Pattern Applied.
–– Using DDD To Decompose Your Monolith.
–– Effective Microservice Communication and Conversation Patterns.

Enter promo code CloudBuilders-Rock! to get a totally free ticket.
First come, first serve!
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