Forwarded from Råven Speaks
Was the vaccine the real bioweapon and COVID-19 was 99.9% safe despite being engineered in a Chinese lab?
How many quality products come from China?
Are the people of China happy?
Forced consent?
Slave Labor.
Forced Labor.
Organ Harvesting.
Re-Education Camps.
Death Camps.
Supply chain for slaves.
Slaves are entrapped for sex.
Slaves are entrapped for labor.
Slaves are entrapped for organs.
Slaves are entrapped for assassins.
Slaves are intimidated.
[They] use fear & faith to exploit.
[They] must project and tell you who they are.
WHO they are.
HOO they are.
Consider Tucker Carlson.
NSA spying on him.
White House involved?
Congress involved?
Who is Dr Li Meng Yan?
Credible whistleblower?
Chinese Military Operative?
Tucker Carlson Today
6-30-2021 58m = 369
5+2 = 7 ; 7 + 8 = 15 ; 1 + 5 = 6
6 + 3 + ((2+1=3) + 6 = 9)
6 3 9
The power of 369 is very real.
Communists are excellent at killing their own people, and even better at killing people who are different.
Communists hate themselves and reject the fact that they are IS-BEs and instead choose to live in cognitive dissonance their entire life.
Communists murder without regret because of this illusion.
Communism relies on FEAR.
Think logically.
China is researching deadly bioweapons to use against other countries.
China issues "old style" vaccines?
China lies about numbers?
China covered up deaths?
How many Chinese people died?
How many Chinese people really died?
Was the virus designed to kill Americans or Chinese?
99.9% Survival
Immunocompromised Challenges
CCP controls MSM
MSM force feeding "sippy cup" Biden?
[Soros] = [Fox *ews]
2020 Election Fraud
Be careful who you follow means you should always consider the possibilities of simply not being in a position to have enough information to make an INFORMED and CONSENTING opinion and/or judgement regarding these subjects.
Fear is the weapon used.
MSM = Mockingbird Speed Media
Speed = Epstein + Weinstein + [Fox *ews]
Why is Fox News key to [their] power?
Why is Tucker Carlson allowed to bring these particular guests on his show?
There is always an agenda.
Not everything has an agenda.
China CCP COVID-19 Origins = Agenda
Clinton Foundation Coverup = Agenda
Epstein Block & Tackle Co-Conspirators = Agenda
Mandatory Vaccines = Agenda
Projecting Fascism, Racism, and Sexism while imposing transgenderism/transhumanism onto American people of faith, and ANY opposition results in IMMEDIATE censorship with shadowbanning, deboosting, unlisting, hiding, covering, censoring, or limiting distribution of ANY dissenting opinion that has conviction and authority, typically verified by ALICE.
They know the end is near.
They are terrified.
Who knew that a frog was capable of such justice?
The BEST is yet to come.
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