Just. WOW! 😳

So, I had always heard about Anton LaVey's supposed last words...but the truth of what happened puts that fake version to SHAME. This is hands down one of the most powerful testimonies about the power of God vs the powers of darkness I have EVER heard.

Dave Bryan was a small town pastor who had NEVER undertaken spiritual (demonic) warfare in his many years of Christianity, when he and his wife UNKNOWINGLY took into their home ANTON LEVAY's birth daughter. They found out later this poor girl had been groomed for years via many satanic rituals to be the bride of satan himself.

This story ends with what ACTUALLY happened to the founder of the church of satan (Anton LeVay) upon his demise on (none other than) Halloween night. Through the power of prayer and the guidance of HOLY SPIRIT Anton LeVay's silver cord was CUT by a group of prayer warriors during his astral travel...promptly ENDING his treacherous and evil life.

This is a must hear testimony and, to me, quite an uplifting story about OUR AUTHORITY over darkness...I do hope it blesses many who may hear it.


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