Leave our kids alone!

End medical Apartheid!

Anti establishment demonstration @ Grafton Street, Dublin @ 13-11-21 @ 12:00

Are you prepared to stand by and watch the Tyrants come after our Nation’s children, as they become test subjects, for an experimental vaccine, with side effects of heart failure, & death?

Is this the “new normal” you wish on a child?

What type of future will the children have, if we stand by watching, & do nothing?

WE are the ones WE waited for!

We have the Power to create better solutions!

If not us, who?

If not now, when!

Bring your warrior spirit, wear your county colours, bring your flags & banners, if you have something to say, bring your megaphone!

This is a gathering for the people by the people!

No leaders!

No protest, we don’t ask for our freedom, we demonstrate how we take control, & claim our freedom.

This is a peaceful demonstration, cause no harm, leave no trace.

A call for a full day of civil disobedience.


#IR #Sat1311 #Dublin
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