Interesting lineup in McCullough’s new venture… they’re getting a jump on making natural medicine CORPORATE.

The founder of The Wellness Company is Foster Coulson.

Marketing themselves as "holistic" while pushing more vaccines/injections/drugs for future pandemics, influenza, and other viral and bacterial infections

Coulson also owns International Health brands that sells supplements. Interestingly, this company launched in June of 2021, after the effects of the injections were being evidenced. Coulson is a board member of Qu Biologics Inc. 

"Qu Biologics is at the forefront of a paradigm shift in the way we treat cancer and other immune-related disease. Rather than blocking or stimulating a single receptor or pathway, the company's Site Specific Immunomodulators (SSIs) aim to restore the body's normal immune response. Qu Biologics Qu Biologics wants to change how we treat disease."
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