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Corruption In The Mid-Terms
A brief list of some key issues being reported:

• Election machines failed miserably across numerous states: the machines were all “down” in Mercer County, New Jersey. They were full of “mishaps” in Harris County, Texas and in Chesterfield County, Virginia and in Bell County, Texas and in Suffolk County, New York. At least 20% of all the machines were “not working” throughout Maricopa County, Arizona, causing long delays, and possibly the loss of people’s votes if they weren’t able to stay in line (the judge refused an emergency extension of voting hours). This was also after the state elections office threatened to sue Coconino County if they hand-counted their ballots.

• Voting centers ran out of ballots, including 19 locations in one county: Harris County, Texas. They “ran out of paper” in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. In fact, “officials say that roughly 44 polling locations in Luzerne County ran out of paper to print ballots.”

• Voters in Michigan told they had already voted. Same in Pennsylvania.

• Dakota County Minnesota had “modem transmission issues” requiring results to be transmitted manually. And we’re told that these devices aren’t able to connect to the internet?

• Vote totals in Ohio fluctuating up and down multiple times. Why would a vote total go down?

Georgia vote total also went down, and a late and highly suspicious ballot dump flipped the race to Democrat

• NM Governor also had vote count massively increase before falling back down

Massive vote dump in Michigan that flipped the race. Also Matt De Perno was winning for a period before a massive vote dump flipped his race - right around 1:30am when suspicious vans arrived with boxes of ballots. 🧐

• Similar dubious flip in Virginia HR 7

Many issues in Pennsylvania including illegal electioneering, and a dead man was re-elected.

• Colorado’s elections have been massively corrupt for some time, and it’s showing again in the current results

The chart for Minnesota Governor looks very dubious. Why so many blue votes at the beginning?

• A New York election worker for the Republican Party was secretly a Democrat

Apparently Michigan passed a law that says only the Secretary of State (currently the corrupt Jocelyn Benson) can audit elections

• Tucker Carlson calling for the end of voting machines (finally)

CNN saying “stay off social media people … trust your election officials, and trust us [here at CNN]” 🤣

• While Republicans are seeing some good wins, it doesn’t appear to be quite the “red wave” that was predicted in some of the polls. Is this because the fraudulent actors and black box machines are still running the same as they were in 2018 and 2020?

• But even so, the counting is not yet over. With many Republicans voting on election day, these late counts may swing more heavily Republican.

Updates or corrections to any of the above are welcome — let us know in the comments.

There’s more to come. Much prayer 🙏🏼 and action 💪🏼 is needed.

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