Attention Mr. Heider Garcia, elections administrator for Tarrant County, TX

I am trying to think of any one time I’ve mentioned you by name for your role in running a cluster of an elections system, but now that I know you monitor my channel AND think my work is “bullshit” - let me say this:

You are a dipshit.

1 - Voter registration by party is the most accurate predictor of the next presidential election at the STATE level, and is extremely accurate at county level. Of course, TX doesn’t register voters by party, so other methods of simply researching historical turnout are needed to make the very easy case that Tarrant County’s 2020 presidential election, and likely the 2018 midterms, was complete garbage.

2- the voter rolls are very obviously inflated with imaginary registrations.

3 - You checked my voter history after you read my rants against early voting and found I’ve voted early every time for a decade. Yes, indeed, because it took 2020 for me to realize early voting is a scam designed to provide maximum data for manipulation on Election Day.

If you did your due diligence this year, you’d find I voted on Election Day this year in the general - and not in your county. I voted early in primaries because I travel 80%.

But yes, continue in your fairy tale world of a brain damaged candidate campaigning from his basement in Delaware winning a historical GOP stronghold for the first time in 56 years in the same election the GOP nominee sets a modern GOP record for votes gained in a single cycle.

You’re by far the worst California transplant this state has received.

I hope your turkey tasted like crap.
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