🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question
: Dear Anatoliy Ivanovich, how would you comment on the Secretary of State Blinken's statement that the United States does not object to Kiev using Western weapons to attack the DPR, LPR, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: The administration continues to ignore the fact that arms deliveries to Ukraine lead to further escalation of the conflict. The U.S. and NATO military equipment is sowing death and destruction.
🔹Civilians and children are being killed. Residential areas, schools and hospitals are being irreparably damaged.
In instigating Kiev to continue using the military equipment received from the West, Washington does not realize the riskiness of its actions.
🔹The sponsors of neo-Nazi criminals are approaching the dangerous line that Russia has repeatedly and clearly warned about. The United States becomes a party to the Ukrainian conflict.
🔹Diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis cannot be effective as long as the collective West uses the Zelensky regime as a military mercenary against Russia. Our steps to defend the Fatherland will be firm and decisive.
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