Forwarded from Epoch Inspired
"STORY TIME: Meet my favorite 2nd grader! At school, I cross paths with this adorable 2nd grader. On my first day, I met Reagan. She saw my arm before I saw hers. She had a surprised face look and took her arm out to wave to me. Little did she know, I would be a teacher at her school! Every time we see each other, we do the nub wave. I love seeing how proud she is of her arm.

Recently, I was able to pass down an adaptive equipment. I remember when I would get something adaptive made for me and how much that meant to me. I am proud to announce our new bike owner, Reagen! 🚴 Now let’s get more para athletes out there! Reagan, dream big! Don’t ever let equipment stop you from doing what you love. Yes, my old bike fits a 2nd grader." 😂

Credit: leahkap_tri -

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The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions