"Corn truffles! Sometimes, if the heat and humidity are high, corn can be infected by a fungus that causes the kernels to expand and become the delicious delicacy known as huitlacoche (pronounced whee-tla-KOH-cheh). Also known as Mexican truffles and corn smut, when cooked, they taste like a cross between mushrooms, fresh corn and black truffles. While we never end up with many of these, some farms purposely infect their fields to cultivate the truffles. We are so thankful to all of the indigenous cultures and communities that the history and origin of this fungus belongs too!"

Credit: IG: organicallyroland - https://www.instagram.com/organicallyroland/ FB: OrganicallyRoland - https://www.facebook.com/OrganicallyRoland/

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