Forwarded from Deborah Sullivan
Lest WE forget, countless WARRIORS, both famous and nameless, have fought for TRUTH and JUSTICE, just like us, over centuries and centuries of time.

We're called OG or old-timers, if we've been here from "THE BEGINNING" or 2017.

I suspect ALL of those, no longer here, would have loved to have been on planet, to EN*JOY the SH*OW, that is our current "reality".

WE are generally impatient people. WE prefer INSTANT gratification. We've been programmed, that way.

However, if WE think LOGICALLY and truly comprehend the magnitude of what's happening and how long, it took the WORLD, to become so horrendously UGLY, patience comes quickly.

If you truly grasp, how very blessed, WE all are.........
you'll be less likely to whine, complain, moan and be a doubting, back-seat driving, nay-sayer.

This is BIBLICAL and you dear ones are WITNESSES.
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