Forwarded from Project Veritas
Congressman Biggs [R-AZ]

“We received an initial response where they admitted that they [HHS] had lost contact with 20,000 children. That was almost a year ago now, so that number, you know, has gone way up- that they’ve lost contact with. And here’s the deal. Even when they had contact, they don’t vet these people. These people themselves may be in this country illegally. They may not have a job, they may not be able to support these children, and they may not even be related to these children in any way but then they place them and they lose contact with them. And so, we know that human and sex trafficking is rampant with the cartels along the border, but the saddest part is children are now being victimized- just like the young lady you showed there. She’s 15- but she owes the cartels money. And the cartels- they’re inhumane. They don’t care who they harm or exploit, and our government is actually the logistics arm of the cartel’s child trafficking ring. And then we’re placing them, we’re losing contact with them and we don’t know where those children are and what’s happening to them to this day.”
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