When I was studying art in NYC and saw first hand the sick, morbid and soulless depravity of what was paraded around as “art” in the “modern art” wold, I realized very quickly these people are satanic. Fine art teachers would try to discourage us from learning realism, classical art or anything with passion and soul — but they’d want us to do weird pointless shit like tape eggs to the ceiling, or even more to their tastes, anything morbid and disturbing. I refused to do any of that and was a rebel simply for wanting to focus on academic realism. The “Chelsea” gallery scene in NYC is where all the “who’s who” of the art world was and it was full of dark, disturbing and horrible sick imagery that they called “art.” Anytime I went on a gallery tour, I left feeling sick to my stomach. A lot of times there was just really stupid stuff like this guy Jeff Koonz who put a few basketballs in a fish tank and sold it for millions of dollars. Or the guy Damian Hirst who somehow sold a real human skull covered in diamonds. Later on I realized that the modern art world is most likely just a hub for human trafficking and money laundering… when I learned about the satanic cabal it all made sense. It’s the same crap as Balenciaga and the “fashion” world. The fashion and art world are intertwined, as you can see with the owner of the company that owns Balenciaga that has all that disgusting and sick “art” I refuse to even post pictures of. These people are truly sick and they’ve wormed their way into the top of every industry that exists, and sadly that includes the art world as well. Nothing is safe from these sick fucks. May they all rot in hell where they belong

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