Very important thread to push out on normie Twitter for all those still figuring things out. If you’re still on the battlefield, please repost! This message needs to keep getting out, far and wide.

It shouldn't be very difficult at this point to consider the #5GW strategy of Trump's approach to the vaccine roll out. Rushing it is exactly what stopped the great reset's full implementation. Speaking out on the vax injuries would give them the perfect justification to manipulate the flu/"covid" cases again and try for a bigger lockdown. Trump speaking out against the vax would be the dumbest strategy right now and the instant gratification would be insignificant compared to the fatal countermove it would give to the cabal. It would completely compromise the 5GW strategy with warpspeed - which is exactly what stopped their depopulation fema camp end game agenda. Some people don't even understand the bullet we dodged thanks to @realDonald Trump He is a hero.

The fact we can sit here and talk about this today, while not in a fema camp, is a testament to the success of Trump's strategy.

Most of the doomers I know only just recently found out about the New World Order so they aren't able to see as easily how Trump is already stopping the "great" reset.

Those of us that have known about the NWO for over a decade feel a great sense of relief at the way things have played out.

If it wasn't for Trump, we'd already be in the camps.

Their scamdemic narrative is completely obliterated and that was their BIG PLAN for world government. The People are awake. They will never be able to do this again.

Look around you, their scamdemic plan has been CRUSHED. They are running multiple back up plans at once and are increasingly desperate.

Trump stopped the New World Order with warpspeed. That’s right. Right now [they] are trashing around in their dying breaths of panic. Many people have no idea how bad the scamdemic was supposed to be. The defiant ones were supposed to already be depopulated by now.

By Trump releasing the vax quickly, it ended tyrannical Governors’ excuse for lockdowns and removed their cover for the great reset with a destroyed economy. We know he already ended their wars and removed the camouflage that would have given them. It also forced them to release a vax under EUA that CANNOT be forcibly mandated, try as they did. That’s why they had to use incentives. It forced them to rush their agenda, which makes it way more visible than their usual slow incremental boiling water tactics, making so many mistakes and exposing themselves in the process. We all know every single time the vax is mentioned, President Trump emphasizes freedom of choice- he’s said no one should be forced and we have our freedoms. He says this repeatedly, every time, without exception. Every single time. He’s always been outspoken against mandates. Most people don’t even realize how huge that was. (Every President before was lockstep with the uniparty pushing the new world order and all pushed mandates.) He’s already said no kids should take it. We all know that all the face diaper parents would have injected their kids with rNA GMOs no matter what Trump said.

If President Trump were to speak up about the injuries- they could seize on that opportunity with the countermove of locking us down again and blaming the injuries on Trump rushing the vax. Just look what they did when he mentioned HCQ- We’d hear an all out media tirade about how the injuries are Trump’s fault because he rushed it and if it wasn’t for him they’d be “safe and effective.” Not to mention, they’d leverage the Trump derangement syndrome they’ve created and associate ANY criticism of the injection agenda as “just a Trump supporter thing.” By removing himself from the equation, they didn’t have that card to play, even though they still try, it’s uniting people across the spectrum. By not saying anything, he’s forcing them into showing their hand to the entire world while it wakes up average everyday people everywhere.
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