They infiltrated the pro Palestine opposition to lsraeI warcrimes with a Soros BLM communist psyop to keep conservatives away from it

They infiltrated the “right” w/ Zionist Israel First shills like Benicide Shapiro to keep people from criticizing Israel

We’ve been infiltrated from every side

Israel did 9/11
Israel killed JFK
Israel killed RFK
Israel attacked the USS Liberty
Israel brought us Epstein & AIPAC to control US

Israel is the deep state
AIPAC is is the Uniparty

A massive alliance of both right and left is coming together to speak against the Rothschild banking mafia state of Israel

[They] are being exposed and loosing the information war on a massive scale never before seen

October 7 was an inside job

We all know it

The crimes against children Israel is committing in Gaza is uniting people across the isle

“Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].

Have faith in Humanity”
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