People LARPing as Pleiadian contactees often use Zecharia Sitchin's books as sources, which presumes incorrectly that because he was worshiped and given praise, that Enki is our creator.

Pleiadians say Enki is the representation of false light and is Earth's greatest deceiver.

Enki (Sirian named Oppisheklio) was a traitor against Galactic Federation who brought others to Earth to play God.

Pleiadian Elohim never wanted worship but are the true genetic creators of humans and protectors of Earth. They aren't human. Their power is unmatched by any force.

Pleiadians aren't trying to save us from 3D. We're not prisoners. Souls volunteer for this experience. Souls can't be harmed or trapped in any way. We move on from all of this at the Shift. Much of what you're hearing about Pleiadians and the human experience are fear-based lies.

Enki has been confined in Antarctica by Galactic Federation for some time now (the pit in Revelation) and will be removed from Earth completely at the Shift.

Elites do blood sacrifice rituals to summon him and other demons into form. It's happening now in Ukraine and elsewhere.

Confined with him are his family, all worshiped as Gods long ago. And they played both sides to trick us.

Oppisheklio (Lucifer) false light "Son" (Enki, Apollo)

Pidkozox (Satan) "Father God" (Enlil, Zeus)

Myths and religious doctrine are full of inversions putting degenerate "Gods" at the top.
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