“The finish line is for the ego. The journey is for the soul.”

We certainly learn more from the journey than from the destination. If you pay attention, you will realise how much you have changed, since you started this truth-seeking journey.

And that is, precisely, the whole poin. Truth is found as you transform into a higher conciousness capable of assimilating and doing something about the truth you find.

It’s not so much that ‘the truth will set you free’ it’s that your capacity to see the truth has already freed you.

In any case, the phrase should more accurately read: “The knowledge of truth will set you free.” Knowledge is the key to everything, but you need to want to seek it, and that is exactly what is dividing humanity right now.

There are those that can’t be bothered to search for truth, those that catch a glimpse and turn their backs to it and then there’s those who have the courage to seek it and face it, even if it sucks. It is only the latter that stand a chance of being free.

Knowledge, however, is just the first step. Understanding is the next one. You must internally process knowledge, grasp it’s implications, digest them and apply them in your life.

Contrary to what most people believe, wisdom is not the knowledge of truth, it’s the application of that truth. Wisdom is when your thoughts (driven by knowledge) and your emotions (driven by the processing of that knowledge) are reflected in your actions. In other words; wisdom is when your thoughts, emotions and actions are perfectly aligned.

Wisdom not only requires knowledge and the capacity to process it, it requires courage, in order to turn it into action; as you think so you feel, so you say, or do.

So to all of you sharing this journey of seeking the knowledge of truth, trying hard to process it and attempting to act accordingly, I salute you.

I salute you for having the intuition that brought you on this journey in the first place, for having the interest to seek, the humility to accept your own ignorance, the strength to cope with truth, the capacity to process it, the generosity to want to share it with others and ultimately, the courage to do something about it.

Remember wisdom is the application of processed knowledge, so be wise and start making the necessary changes internally and in your life. You’ve gotten this far - you can do it!

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