It’s full moon today, and as I stood on my balcony admiring the beauty of the sorroundings under the moonlight, I reflected on my mood. I have an uneasy feeling, some sort of anxiety that I can’t brush off and I don’t know why.

Is there something in the air? Is it the full moon? Or is it just that unsettling feeling one gets when something’s about to happen?

This journey is quite a roller coaster ride, with all its ups and downs and ins and outs, and maybes and maybe-nots and we can only hope that as long as we stay on track, some day we will reach our destiny, which is not a place but rather a state of being.

Recent events have gotten everyone’s expectations up, and probably for good reason, but I have learned not to expect anything to be as you would have thought, it never is, perhaps that’s why I’m feeling uneasy…🤔

Am I the only one…?
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content