Part of this ‘Great Awakening’ is about gaining a new understanding of what is good for us on every aspect of life.

Physical and mental health had been, to a large degree, disregarded, in the pursuit of material gains, success or simple survival within a matrix that simple seeks to exploit us.

This is changing rapidly, as people become increasingly aware of their vital human needs. Living in symbiosis with nature is not only necessary for the planet but also for our own well being.

The most beautiful part of this journey is the ‘retuning’ with our natural sorroundings; appreciating the abundance, the beauty and the miracle of natural life.

I wonder if any of you have noticed this, but I feel as if my senses had been enhanced through this process. I know it sounds weird and it’s difficult to put into words, but it’s a sense of greater awareness and synchronicity with everything that sorrounds me. It makes me feel alive in a totally different way, a deeper dimension, a greater degree.

Despite the madness and the chaos, those of us that have been on this journey for a while, have achieved a sense of wonder and awe for life, like never before and it feels wonderful to be alive at this time of insane contrasts and polarity.

Everything is extreme now, but if you’re walking on the right path, at least you will be experiencing extreme beauty, appreciation, hope, faith and love.

Despite it all, this is a wonderfully unique time to be alive, let’s focus on that.
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