Forwarded from We The Media (Resignation Anon)
+++ WeTheMedia Saturday Spotlight +++

Today: Qtime

This Dutch patriot and content creator has been in the fight since 2018 on twitter known as aQtime and awake since 2012 after a friend handed him the 9/11 truths.

Qtime has been fighting on the digital battlefield for years and was proudly removed from Twatter alongside POTUS and General Flynn on that fateful day of ‘The Purge’. He was honored to have been followed by Gen and Retweeted by Potus.

Qtime’s favorite quote:

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
- Rabindranath Tagore

We The Media recognizes and appreciates his content creation talent’s, knowledge and constant dedication to freedom and unity through love and non violent means.

We are truly honored to have such a fierce and loyal patriot among us as a contributor here at WTM.

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