* Useful Updates *

❇️ * Hon'ble President to confer the Nari Shakti Puraskars to the 29 remarkable women for the years 2020, 2021. *

❇️ * PM Modi to address a seminar on International Women's Day tomorrow at 6 PM. *

❇️ * COVID vaccine doses given so far: 178.98 crores. *

🔸 More than 8.68 crore vaccine doses given to 15-17 yrs age group.

❇️ * Govt launches Donate-a-Pension programme. *

🔸 An initiative under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan pension scheme

❇️ * PM stresses the importance of the safe evacuation of Indian citizens from Ukraine and neighbouring countries at the earliest. *

❇️ * Defence Min. virtually inaugurates the four days Indo-Pacific Military Health Exchange conference. *
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