Good morning, have a nice day !

* Useful Alerts *

❇️ * COVID Highlights: *
▪️* Recovery rate improves to 81.25% *
▪️* ICMR: India conducts a total of nearly 6.62+ crore tests *

❇️ * Prime Minister will interact with renowned fitness influencers at the FitIndiaDialogue today at 12 noon. Watch live: *

❇️ * Prime Minister hails passage of Labour Reforms bills; says labour reforms will ensure well being of workers and boost the economy *

❇️ * PM Modi chairs high-level virtual meeting with CMs of six COVID high caseload States & Delhi *

▪️* PM asks States to increase testing substantially and ensure 100% RT-PCR tests in symptomatic RAT negative cases *

▪️* Limit of using the State Disaster Response Fund for COVID has been increased from 35% to 50% *

❇️ * Railways target to complete 100% electrification of broad gauge routes by 2023 *

❇️ * Last date for filing of belated or revised ITRs for AY 2019-20 is 30th September, 2020. *

❇️ * Sharing misinformation can create panic among people. Stay updated by visiting for official information related to COVID-19 *
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