Good Morning ☀️, have a nice day!

* Useful Updates *

❇️ * India records a milestone in COVID19 vaccination with administration of over 7 crore vaccine doses *

❇️ * Cabinet Secretary reviews status of #COVID19 in the country. Terms situation in 11 States/UTs a matter of ‘Serious Concern’. *

❇️ * Centre asks states reporting surge in COVID-19 cases to take high effective measures to contain active cases and daily deaths *

❇️ * A news is claiming that the bill will be reimbursed by CGHS for pensioners being vaccinated by panelists at private hospitals is FAKE! *
▪️* Don’t fall prey to such rumours *

❇️ * Vaccination to be offered on all days of April 2021 at all Public and Private COVID-19 Vaccination Centres. *

❇️ * The pandemic isn't over yet! Take all the necessary precautionary measures to stay safe and stop the spread of COVID-19. *
▪️* For more information, Visit: *
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform