"The importance of biological research to the Nazi war effort provided a utilitarian justification for these atrocities, which were framed as necessary goods in the aim to create an immortal species of humans, “Übermenschen.”"

“Du bist nichts, dein Volk ist alles” (You are nothing; your people [nation] is everything). Hitler was advocating social unity at all costs, including dehumanization of internal minority citizens."

"Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, here at a political rally in 1938: Our starting-point is not the individual, and we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty or clothe the naked—those are not our objectives. Our objectives are entirely different. They can be put most crisply in the sentence: we must have a healthy people in order to prevail in the world."

"Liek and Kotschau argued that commitments to care of individual sick persons had to give way to a preventative care that respected emerging needs of the entire society. (...) In short, the doctors believed that by destroying lives they were paradoxically saving the ones that most mattered amid the entire society."

"By attributing to Jewish physicians the ethical failings of early Nazi Party physician joiners, German Medical Society members could wrap themselves with the flag of moral and ethical purity while enthusiastically victimizing their Jewish physician colleagues. This was an important, perhaps essential, move in the process of rationalization, since a conception of ethics—of doing good—has animated the profession of medicine since antiquity."
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