I mentioned last week how at the NGO protest for open borders on Feb 6th, a group of Muslims were spotted marching a little behind the NGOs up O'Connell St, condemning the Swedish govt for not prosecuting someone over burning a Quran (video 1)

I said it wasn't clear whether both the NGO and Muslim protesters were together at the GPO or if it was just a coincidence both groups ended up marching at same time.

But I've now reviewed the street cam footage (video 2) and it's clear the Muslims were with the NGOs and then hung back a little before the marching began (at 2:44).

In the second video above, the Muslims are to the left. A large Irish flag banner and an ANTIFA banner near the Garda van are folded up at 1:45 before the groups split.

Pay attention to the stewards in the yellow and orange vests and you'll see they are mingling and co-ordinating with both the Muslims and NGOs.
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