New (mostly free) Substack essay, examining the problems of criminalising blasphemy in a multi-religious society:
It is perhaps an irony at the heart of the common law, that all men are equal before the law, that by homogenising the law as in making it applicable to and protective of all, it fails to protect the very people that evolved the system in the first place. De-culture the law will inevitably deracinate the society. This is not to argue that anyone should be disadvantaged by the law but the failure of the judiciary and the application of the law firmly embedded in a native culture makes the law mailable beyond the circumstantial, but to the cultural, religious and subjective concerns of the parties and their heritage. This wrecks consistency and undermines the principle of precedent. Multicultural, multireligious, multiracial and therefore a law for everyone and no one and unknowable. See Hate Speech laws as the evidence for this. The Blasphemy Law was the initiation for this and all else that has followed.
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