Today in Welsh history... 18 March 1915, the Allied attack on the Dardanelles began during World War I. The subsequent military disaster was instrumental in Welshman David Lloyd George becoming Prime Minister.

The Anglo-French operation against Turkey was intended to seize the Dardanelles in order to occupy Constantinople and secure a sea route to Russia. On 18th March, the main attacking force entered the channel but had to retreat due to the ferocity of the Ottoman defence.

Further advances were attempted, including one on 25 April 1915, when Australian and New Zealand troops took heavy losses (remembered as ANZAC Day). In January 1916 the campaign was halted, with Allied casualties numbering 213,980. The scale of the slaughter of Allied troops caused serious political repercussions and gave the impression that the Allies were militarily inept.

Both Churchill and Prime Minister Asquith were forced to resign from government, and Lloyd George became Prime Minister in December 1916.
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