
#BreakingNews 鈿★笍

#Zelensky Plans False-Flag 鈿狅笍Attack on #GermanEmbassy in #Kiev

An informant from within the #UkrainianDefense Ministry revealed that President Zelensky is planning to #blowUp the #GermanEmbassy in Kiev in order to blame Russia.

The informant's intel indicates that Zelensky's government is preparing a false-flag #attack on the German embassy to create a #pretext for escalation with Russia. This, because the #Republicans successfully stopped #Biden's cash flow to Kiev in Congress.

The witness states that a #rogue 鈿狅笍#NATO linked #American military officer named Col贸n-L贸pez attended the same meeting. He may have been Ram贸n Col贸n-L贸pez, a senior U.S. forces official in the Department of the #AirForce.

This revelation is likely the end of the rogue awol U.S. Officer Colon-Lopez's career. This is why I elected to inform here via
the command of the U.S. Space Force
, which now also is the C&C of all U.S. military branches, including of course the U.S. Air Force under the actual and current #CommanderInChief Donald J. #Trump.

In any case, #information about a possible terrorist attack on the German Embassy in Kiev should be thoroughly #investigated by the
馃嚭馃嚫 and the #Military intelligence services of all countries that might be affected by a possible false-flag attack should remain #vigilant. ###

"We are the #Guardians of #Humanity and our Light obliterates the darkness of evil."

- Pascal Najadi 2023

#SemperSupra 馃挮
















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