#PresidentTrump 🇺🇸 #STORM ⚡️

⚡️ D I S C L O S U R E ⚡️

Those who can read this message, understand it and can realise the now publicly disclosed latest extension of President Trumps Executive Order dated December 20th 2017, continued until end 2024 and can read the order in the White House website must now all understand what is happening next.

If not, then I declare you not smart enough to survive what is unstoppable and approaching fast. Question to help your minds: Who was President 2017 and why is he now obviously still the President today ongoing, always been?

It’s all happening to plan since 2017 and operation #STORM will return the power back to WeThePeople, in 🇺🇸 and DeepState base 🇨🇭Switzerland but the world over. Yes it is multiple beyond biblical and all traitors and Covid Demociders, Military Rules and Justice. Gone are the corrupt parliaments and fake political parties. #END ⚡️


Get prepared⚡️





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