Scampton: The Name of Guy Gibson's Dog
Deriving from the latin niger, meaning black, Nigger was the name of the much loved 617 Dambusters mascot. He would often accompany Wing Commander Gibson on training flights and the dog's name was used by him to confirm a successful breach of the Möhne dam. (Morse code: -. .. --. --. . .-.)

What was then a common name for a black dog, since WW2, the word has become undoubtedly the most potent word in the English dictionary. So much so that in recent years Jeremy Clarkson begged for forgiveness when he mumbled it on camera, MPs have been suspended for saying the word and several controversies have arisen to the totally unrelated word "niggardly".

In 2020, the dog's gravestone was replaced with a version that removed the contentious word.

Tonight at 6:30pm, an "Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting" will convene at the Lincolnshire Showground Epic Centre to discuss the RAFs proposal to remove the grave altogether.

The full meeting agenda is here🔗

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