Yousaf, who was also a failure in his job as justice minister, has overseen a complete disaster for the Scottish NHS. He should be removed from his post forthwith.

The NHS waiting list for tests, outpatient appointments and hospital procedures is now at an all time high of 776,431 people. Even more worryingly the numbers of GPs, at a time when GP services are seeing a surge in people seeking appointments, have fallen by 3% to the lowest level when figures where started to be recorded in 2009.

The SNP have massively underfunded the NHS and Yousaf seems to have no plan to fix the problem.

There needs to be not only investment to recruit and retain staff, but a longer-term plan to remove the cap on the numbers of doctors and nurses being trained in Scotland. The SNP have been closing local services at smaller hospitals. We actually need more decentralised local hospital services, not less.

The Scottish people deserve better.

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