Patriotic Alternative North West

Yesterday, PA North West held a St George's Day social event in Manchester city centre.

We started the evening by giving out warm jumpers, coats, socks and food to the local homeless population. Manchester is a minority White British city (48.7%), yet every single homeless person we encountered was a White Briton. There is no excuse for the poverty that our people live in. If we have the resources to house foreigners in hotels, then we have the resources to keep our women and men off the streets.

Following this, we enjoyed a hearty pub meal before finishing the day with a visit to the cenotaph. We paid respects to the brave men who fought on behalf of England and pledged to continue their fight to secure a future for English children.

Happy St George's Day from PA North West! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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