Russian military using Starlink in Ukraine.

Who built Starlink?
Elon is the largest private US Contractor for ….
Why was Space Force created?
Are they part of a larger component Force?
Can Space Force work in conjunction with the ANG?
Can the Marine Corps and NG coordinate air, ground, and special operations?
Who supplies battlefield intelligence?
How is “recon” analyzed?
What sort of capability is needed for data processing at_Scale?
General -> specific.
What sort of Alliance would be needed to marry strategic reconnaissance, battlefield intelligence, kinetic operations, multi-domain AOs/deployments, and real-time “Force Adaptation”, ALL in the SAME campaign?

The largest, coordinated military operation in world history.
Nowhere left to run.
#JusticeIsComing #fallofthecabal #slavesnomore #WWG1WGA

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