Reports: Former Guantanomo Bay detainee accuses Governor Ron DeSantis of torturing him in 2006 Trust the Plan. All will be revealed. 👉 RealSGAnon
Many of you are very upset by this post.
I will not, and cannot, offer my opinions of Desantis to you. But questions lead to answers
>Who was Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Base Commander 2006?
>What was happening in 2006?
>Where did US Mail POWs primarily originate, 2004-2007?
> Who else was there?
>What was DOD budget, 2006?
>Who was SecDef?
>Who was CIC?
Whose side were they on?
Where do military orders originate?
What does unconscionable mean?
What is a POW?

Be critical.

👉 RealSGAnon
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