Forwarded from We The Media (Resignation Anon)
+++ WeTheMedia Saturday Spotlight +++

Today: SirWilliamScott

SWS hails from the glorious County of Yorkshire in the North of England where he lives with his wife and three sons.

SWS has never trusted Politicians, having watched scandal after scandal within the government as he was growing up, and the only time he felt compelled to vote was to Vote leave during Brexit.
He first donned his tinfoil hat following 9/11, building into a big picture of the corruption on a global scale, with every new rabbithole connecting more of the dots. Eventually leading to Pizzagate and the Q movement.

Despite never caring for politics SWS followed Donald Trumps 2016 campaign and knew that he was the man that had the balls to finally bring an end to the deepstate.

Having always had an eye for image manipulation, starting at a young age with perspective photography, through basic cut and paste on MS paint and a stint as a memer in the gaming community, he knew it was time to step up and put his skills to use once the pandemic hit. Having the belief that if you can laugh at something then it loses its power over you, and he tries to encapsulate this in his memes and short videos.
Thankfully his wife believed in the cause and supported his endeavours, which ended up with SWS having to quit his job of 15 years because of enforced mask mandates and also making sure their kids didn't comply with the school mask and vaccine push.

He is extremely humbled to beable to meme for WTM and if it wasn't for the people in the group and a few friends locally, this last few years would have been a hell if a lot tougher!

You can follow him at
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