There's people who claim everyone's a clone and they "know" military tribunals are happening. It's far more profitable on social media to make outlandish claims than it is to stay in the realm of facts and evidence.

That being said it's important to theorizing and ask questions. That's the basis of having an open mind, which is important to find the truth.

Having an open mind doesn't mean jumping at every theory and trusting any account or person. We gotta weigh everything we see online with a sober mind or we'll be swept away by people who want to take advantage of having followers.

Is it possible the elite have the ability to clone people? Currently we can't prove or disprove it. If people come with sauce that's compelling then I will take a look and consider it. The problem is that these social media vipers know what gets them likes and followers, and it's these kinds of topics.

Careful out here guys. It's more fun to follow people who say wild things, but your beliefs matter.
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