As much as we love to discuss the ongoing process of how the Cabal is falling, we need to remember Why* they are falling. The Lord is the Why.

No person on this Earth holds the power to bring down Satan's global network. Only The Lord has power over the enemy. Any ability certain people hold to move the information, cultural, and political dial towards truth and freedom and justice is given from The Creator of all. If people are pivotal in this fight it is because God has called them to be, whether they know it or not.

James 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

God will have his way in this hour. The fall of the Cabal will happen how and when He desires it. He is outside of time and this story will be crafted to echo His goodness and glory for all time. Let go of what people want you to expect, and only expect God's master plan. Enjoy the ride. This is historical!
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