Water level report part 7

Fischer vehemently denied the judge's question as to whether she had financial problems, saying that she had a securities account with her husband, but it had not been serviced.
Füllmich asked about her 100,000 euro loan, whether it was already gone?
Yes, at the moment they are, Fischer admitted, she had made up some shortfalls, whereupon the judge interrupted her and remarked that she was hereby stating that she had used up the money and had economic shortfalls.
"No, I didn't!" she emphasized.
She had only written it that way so that Reiner Füllmich wouldn't get the idea of saying that it was great if she paid her money back, he wouldn't have to do that.
She went on to justify herself by saying that she had already advanced so much money for the committee.
She had taken around 30,000 euros from her loan to repay the expenses she claimed to have incurred for the Corona Committee.

To be continued...

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