The Biden admin just ordered coal power plants to reduce their emissions by 90 PERCENT by 2032. This is going to cost energy companies $19 BILLION to become compliant with the new rule.

But what will it cost the American people?

Getting rid of coal and fossil fuels will make electricity unaffordable for many people. And why would we stop using some of our cheapest, most abundant resources?

Not only will energy costs soar, there likely won’t be enough to power AC in the summer or heat in the winter — both of which are life-saving!

Increased energy costs won’t just affect homeowners and renters; it’ll affect every business in our country.

These increased costs will be passed on directly to the consumer, further draining the already empty pockets of so many Americans in Joe Biden’s America.

Democrats want to use renewables incapable of providing the same amount of reliable energy provided by coal and fossil fuels in abundance.

Instead, they want to create bird cemeteries beneath their giant wind turbines that only work when the wind blows and solar farms that kill natural landscapes.

In fact, solar panels reflect so much heat back into the atmosphere they can actually change the climate single handedly. Talk about climate change!!

The earth absorbs heat and plants actually reduce carbon. Rather than taking care of our planet, Democrats want to play God, just as they do with far too many of our children, born and unborn.

If Democrats get their way, we are not going to be able to afford electricity to charge our government mandated electric vehicles and will be broke from high inflation while taxed at high rates.

Democrats literally want to plunge our country into darkness.


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