Forwarded from We The Media (Resignation Anon)
+++ WeTheMedia Saturday Spotlight +++

Patri0tsareinContr0l’s awakening began back in 2006 when a friend introduced him to a 9/11 Truth documentary called Loose Change 2nd Edition. Blown away by the corruption, he researched it almost every day for years, desperately preaching to anyone that would listen. His friends wrote him off as the “crazy conspiracy theorist” and after years of not seeing justice for the real perpetrators, he became apathetic and “checked out” of politics.

Patri0ts didn’t vote in 2016 (still checked out), but by 2019 he could tell Trump wasn’t part of the establishment. Then in early 2020, he came across Joe M’s “Q - The Plan to Save the World” and it all clicked.

He’s honored to be a part of this movement with all of you, and the best is yet to come! 🫡

You can follow Patri0tsareinContr0l here:

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