Forwarded from LadyDraza
So...what did the Republican Primary in AZ teach us all?

1) Vote in-person and on election day. The 35k (or so - depending on your area - mileage may vary) preloads may not be sufficient if they don't know how many people will be actually showing up to vote.

2) Don't request mail-in ballots. If they are not auto-magically sent to you, do not alert any planners that you will be getting off the couch and voting by requesting a ballot early. (Along with this - don't participate in polls from people and groups you don't know - don't answer random texts asking how you are voting. Don't let NGO groups plan a mule vote o offset yours).

3) Halts in the vote count should be a "fraud-marker" for ALL thinking people and any election official that halts the vote count should be removed from office immediately and investigated. The people in charge should be planning for a well-run election even if they get 100% participation - because we should never get more than that, right?

4) Until we can get rid of the current election sham system, do not despair as the remaining votes are counted. The "selected" candidate ALWAYS get the pre-load, so the choice of the people will always make up ground (Even if they are winning with the pre-load, their ratio at the end will be higher when mixed with the votes from the real people).

5) Until we can get rid of the drop boxes - Tailgate party on, dude!
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