Forwarded from VOLTRON4444 🇺🇸🦅 (VØ︎Ⱡ₮ⱤØ︎₦4̶4̶4̶4̶🍿)
Over the weekend I was able to find the time to finally watch General Flynn’s film and I have so much to say. I will try to keep this short and sweet however. 😉

First, if you haven’t seen it, see it!! I watched it twice! It is very well done and extremely informative. It may give you a different perspective of things. I know most of us in this community followed the situation involving Flynn, Trump and the deep state closely but there are some things that I did not know that surprised me and gave me deeper insights.

Secondly, I would like to thank General Flynn for having the courage and perseverance to fight for the truth even in the face of our collective greatest threat… the deep state. You are an incredible man, an amazing patriot and an inspiring leader. God definitely picked you for a higher purpose and you are meant for this moment. May He continue to bless you over and over, especially in the face of adversity. May He continue to lead you, protect you and strengthen you. Thank you for all you have done for our great country. May you continue to be the leader He created you to be!

Lastly, to Flynn’s beautiful wife and family. The strength of your family is beyond inspiring. I cried with you while you shared your experience during this incredible fight. You are all such a blessing to this world. May God also bless you all over and over for having the strength and courage to fight for the truth. You all are in my daily prayers. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made and continue to make for our country.

#FightLikeAFlynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️🫡

#WWG1WGA 🤍🙏🏻🇺🇸🦅
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