Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
General Flynn - This is just the beginning. The level of corruption runs so deep inside of the entirety of the USG. An element in warfare that you need to consider…once you get hold of your adversary, do not let go. Relentlessly pursue them until you defeat them. I wish I could say that people in our own government were not our adversary, but tragically they are. And they’re not all in the FBI.

Anna Paulina Luna - In shock after leaving GOP Oversight meeting today:

The FBI HAS an informant who brought forward info that Biden received 5 million from a foreign national while VP.

THEY stated they were afraid the informant would be killed if unmasked…

On Thursday there will be a hearing to hold FBI Director in Contempt of Congress.

No more corruption shall be tolerated.
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