Sharing this again, because a member of our Great Tironianae Chat members asked the question, and I'm paraphrasing, "I wonder who really started this" in reference to Putin's speech early this morning. I answered her with this, to provide context, and to help those who don't know, yet, or haven't researched this channel, because it's all here.

No need to wonder, Sandy, it's all here. The azov [nazis], the [cabal], and ]nata], including the [usg] started all this, beginning with the 2014-15 [kenyan] instigated color revolution this particular time, with goals to build the 47 bioweapons labs along the Russian border in order to create enough bioweapons to destroy the Russian people.

But it's deeper.

Putin mentions 1917. The [cabal] created Bolshevics, (Bolshevic Revolution) came to power then, and turned Russia into a communist shithole and nearly destroyed Russia and her people.

We've discussed Trump, Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro Modi, and others working together to take out the last filthy vestiges of the [cabal] created [nazis] and the [cabal] itself, worldwide, and that's exactly what's happening. And,  it's nearly over.  The recent events with Wagner is just another [cia/mossad] infiltration attempt to fray Wagner (SpecOps) to attempt a lot gasp effort to stop Putin from destroying the last of the [cabal] [nazis]. It's too late for that, but Putin, like Trump, is now warning the traitors within, that it's over....and [they] will be severely dealt with.......just as will [they] in the West.

Putin also mentions the vast problems with the West. That includes our own [usg], [cia/mossad], [nato], and the entire we [cabal] controlled western [media]. Putin warned them all.

Must be just about time for the Worldwide scare events to jar the sleepers out of their #Mockingbird [media] induced comas.... Its all about to go SCORCHED EARTH. 👀👇👇🐸

Russian President Vladimir Putin Addresses Nation On The Mutiny Attempt | Putin LIVE | Russia News
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