Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
There is a common misconception that I am “pro-Russia”. That is not the case.

I am pro-truth, and as it pertains to this conflict, Russia have been FAR more truthful than the West and their 24/7 propaganda.

Let’s look from Russia’s perspective.

CIA/Deep State assets funded and armed literal Nazi paramilitary groups and conducted a color revolution in Ukraine, meddled in foreign elections, and used covert means to infiltrate and overthrow sovereign nations to claim control of their governments via proxy in Asia and Africa. If Russia did that to Canada or Mexico, the US would have invaded and every last American would have supported it.

Russia didn’t bring hostilities to our border. Deep State assets embedded within the US government brought hostilities to Russia’s border, using criminal intelligence operations to destroy nations with civil war and capitalize on the chaos.

Then when you add that Deep State assets were creating pathogens in their newly acquired proxy of Ukraine, which were subsequently leaking and killing Russian citizens… what exactly is Putin supposed to do? Sit there and let his citizens die, while the US are breaking International law via creating biological weapons on his nation’s border?

Putin attempted to handle this situation diplomatically. Russia and China went to the UN before Russia invaded, and formally demanded that the US be investigated for biological weapons production in post-Soviet countries like Georgia and Ukraine. The US cried “disinformation” and vetoed all attempts at diplomacy. War was the final option.

So when we look at the nuanced conflict in Ukraine, do I support Russia in this particular instance? Yes, I do. Not because I’m blindly pro-Russia, but because the facts indicate Russia have a legitimate reason for their actions. In addition to the fact that the US/West lied about every single thing pertaining to Trump/Russia, Covid, and Ukraine.

I know there are no “good guys” in war, but Russia are significantly more in the right than the US/NATO, and if you can’t objectively admit that, you are a victim of Western propaganda.
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